/ 551.404.1869 / mackenziergarrett@gmail.com /
Time-Out with Kenz
About Time-Out with Kenz
The director for Sports Communication and Social Impact at Rowan University, Neil Hartman had been hosting an event called "Pizza with the Pros," in which he'd invite one of his professional connections within the sports world to come and meet with students every Monday, while they all ate free pizza!
This event continued virtually throughout the pandemic, so the students missed out on the delicious pizza, but continued to meet outstanding professionals!
During the Covid-19 pandemic, all schools and organizations had been closed to in-person participation, and sports had been completely cancelled. With that being said, finding internships and obtaining experience became nearly impossible to do.
Kenzie, interning as Mr. Hartman's digital media intern at the time, came up with the idea for "Time-Out with Kenz" in order to continue her experience as an aspiring personality, while also developing a closer connection with each professional! In doing so, she developed adobe premier skills that she will carry with her throughout her career. These videos are meant to be short and amusing, in order to see each professional under a more personal light, rather than serious. Kenzie loves to bring out the personality in people, rather than what they are known for!
Time-Out with Kenz ended up being a hit, and her friend and fellow classmate, Lloyd Wilson inquired about joining a few episodes, for which they call Time-Out with Kenz and Lloyd!